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Thursday, 14 May 2015

Big Brother Canada recap: Then there were six

The 100 Minutes in Hell challenge involved the house guests lying in transparent coffins and having to guess when 100 minutes had transpired. The start of the competition aired on Wednesday’s show. Suspiciously, no counter or timer appeared on the screen to indicate to viewers how much time had actually passed.
On the live feeds, Sarah showed off photos and her gift basket to the rest of the house guests.
Sarah’s victory and her nominations for eviction will be shown on Sunday’s episode.
Earlier on the show, the house guests’ strategy continued to be on par with George Armstrong Custer’s as Brittnee unleashed her special power on the house. Brittnee and Sarah were granted the opportunity to compete for the special power after viewers participated in a popularity vote last week. Brittnee won the subsequent challenge, the power and a gaudy amulet as big as an SUV’s hubcap to wear around her neck.
Brittnee’s power to change one or both of the nominations and name the replacements effectively rendered Ashleigh’s Head of Household useless. Along with Zach and Pilar, Ashleigh is part of the appallingly named and blatantly obvious Diapers Alliance that has dominated the house while the others refused to mobilize against them the entire season.
“I have decided to save Godfrey,” Brittnee announced to host Arisa Cox after she used the power to pull herself off the block, too. Brittnee then nominated Zach and Bruno.
Instead of targeting Zach and in turn the Diapers, in the sixth unanimous vote of nine eviction votes the season, the house guests sent Bruno Ielo, the construction worker from Ottawa, to the jury house. Bruno, who often butted heads with Sarah, complimented her in his exit interview with Cox. He said they both played similar games and were there to win.
With only six players left, next Wednesday’s episode will determine the final four as it will be a double eviction broadcast. Viewers can also possibly look forward to a sandwich-making challenge in which the winners get to eat their creations. No, I am not kidding. It was an actual competition on the live feeds.
It is rumoured that sitting on a chair, turning on the microwave and running a bath were also considered by the producers.

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